Check out the new teaser for Panzoid's next app!
My friend's creations that i use will automatically credited to original owners. Note to TheCyanCrewmate: Stop calling me a racist, you false ban person. --- Info --- Location: Thailand (That's why an OSC user might gonna find me.) Join Date: Dec 16, 2022 (Stop changing my join date, my imposter!) Slow mode uploads: - 4 creations per day - 8 Minutes cooldown (set by Yoberli Gaming) ------ Accounts in websites: - DeviantArt -Discord (Friend username: jeabja422) - Guilded (Moved to Discord) - Linkedin (Not using this) - Sketchers United (Unofficial account) - Sketchfab (On Break) - YouTube (I have it but i haven't builded my channel yet) Social Accounts: (Thai language official): - LINE: Wan565 (Not showing my QR code to add as friend) ------ Tags: #DownWithT7Alts #StopTheCyanCrewmate #SupportWhereismusa123 The developer of Panzoid TV HD Official, Broadcasting some of teams. And also doing any stuffs (NOTE: Too lazy to upload more FOX logos due to less amount of stealers) ------ Rules: - Don't steal my creation without credit or permission - Don't ban me - No bad users - Don't destroy my creations - No calling me a different hated name - Don't ruin Wit Love - No blocking me & WitloveStudios on DeviantArt - Don't interrupt my creations Not-Allowed Users Rules: - No Cyberpunkfan8754 allowed - No WillowTheHater allowed - Ignore this note: Ikea as known the Swedish Restaurant & provided by DancingBacons on YT --- Users List --- Abandoned Users: - NotSultanTheRemaker (suspended on 2023) [Had to put on profile description because Cyan putted me into my list.] Racist Kid Users: - Cyberacistpunkfake0911 (Cyberpunkfan8754) - Imporacist Bokid (Imposter Boris) - Duduracist (DUDUKIKE) - Racist911 (ROBCO666) - Fakeracist Fakid (Flakzin Stupidos) - Racist911 (ROBCO666) - WilloracistTheLogoKid (WillowTheHater) Toxic Users: - Boris 2nd Account (Fake) - Not_Carman (panchonopales2000's 2nd account reference) - TheCyanCrewmate (Look at his XBOX and Steam account, he's a SAME person.) Bad Users: - Cyberpunkfan8754 (He deactivated, finally.) Imposter Jeab and Wit (He's a logo kid.) - ROBCO666 (He's still false reporting messages for removal.) - Shelley Bain (Neutral) - TFOI's Tazon Toon Studios (Neutral) - WillowTheHater (Panzoid TV hater) Neutral Users: - Breaking News ni Fasin - CG123 (Ignore him instead.) - IntelTV The Creator - Lidl Logo Maker 2 (LIDI) - Marek1231/AC1211) - Mr1stCENTURYENL (Typing in caps is also causes texts being angry.) - Zarekpanzoid APPLE Good Users: - 20thCenturyEnzoCorrea - Bonz / Bonzidude / BonZEE (East American user) - Dan Barrel (30CS) - Dee from AL - Dominick & Webby Production (Offline forever?) - Fasin Productions (Inactive) - Ignacio Herrera Discovery - Kingpeytonifx - Leonardo The Video Maker 3 (Don't call him that name with his Roblox username.) - Lincoln Structure Studios - MasterElektra/MasterAlliance (Only active on DeviantArt) - NathanShorz8 - Opposite Official - Opposite Official Female Edition (Her PZ account wasn't created Yet) - Patomagna (DA: patriciomagna) - Plauerrr3 (Official user?) - Red TVO 2.0 - RainbowBoi/Qasim Studios - Sanpece2492 (My 2nd controllable account but account not created yet) - SultanShibutov (SultanPanzoid) - The Yes Maker - Wit Love (My main account) - Yasin Productions - Yoberli Gaming (Don't call him a gamer or else he will call your hated name.) YouTube Good Users (For Wit Love): - AlfredDS - BasicallyBlue (Robloxian user) - ConejoHDF (Robloxian user) - F3XBuildIt (Admins should get warned!!) - HKTOT - Jackfanoffans (JFOF) - JasonMartinGaming (JMG) - Kool Kenzie - Nurgaming - seak (seakz78) - The Noodle Hunter (Where is he?) - Z skilledAlt YouTube Hater Users: - redgray408isapest - yuqin li